sick month

am super busy this entire month. pack with job and freelance project. hei! it's my birthday month!!! on my actual day i was sick, menses and skin allergy (rashes all over), then i was on mc staying home whole day. i suppose to go celebrate with my colleague...ended up i stick on my sofa cant even move. dr said i am allergy with seafood thats why i have rashes on my body for 8 days (continuous) ish~ not only this rashes, dr checked my blood pressure, surprisingly he said i have 'low blood pressure' ...huh???? what causes me..??? anyway, dr gave me an injection (today is the 4th day and i still can feel the pain :S)

these few days was suffering. everyday dizzy and feel like the sky is turning. guys, low blood pressure really killing! i have a freelance job on my hand, but i cant gorek any idea out...oh no~ where am i now...? on am still dizzy here. when will be the day i pengsan huh? then i can mc for  few more days.

though i didnt celebrate on my actual day but my sister and jie fu bought me a cake. they sang for me (very cacat bday song) hahha but am touched. muaksss....will upload the photo of my pretty sick look with the cake later/sooner.

last night, i received a belated birthday card from a friend. this was a surprise to me due to he didnt pass the card to me face to face/ by hand. i myself found it. at first, i was looking at the back seat then i saw a card like a wedding invitation then i took it and ask, who's wedding? he reply, you open and see la, once i open i saw my name inside...and i was still wondering what was that!'s for me! my birthday card. wow...touched! muaksss....a creative friend :) he said if i didnt see the card he would have plan b. haha. i like that.

beside this, i received few more great presents...wait and i will upload sooner in my blog.


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