me with different hair style_1

some says i look nice with long hair, but some says short is better. for me both also like. once i am weary with long i will cut it short. and for sure i will high-light my hair. too many white hair inside. haha... beside long/short hair i super like curl hair. basically should say i like messy hair, super dislike tidy hair...look oddly. ^^ 

i heard many comment from friends and family.

1) dont you feel heavy with such thick hair? (by william)
2) yea, my daughter's hair is thick and nice (by mother)
3) wow, you hair is thick and sure have a lot of people jealous. (by saloon boss)
4) i'm jealous la, you hair so thick, not like mine...(by my buddy and friend)
5) yea, i know you like messy hair. (by buddy)
6) dont worry you have "hair falling" problem, you have too much to fall. (by tiffany)
7) why your hair so thick? (by anonymous)
8) i like your hair...give me...(by anonymous)

alright, am not trying to show off or what. born to have thick hair i am happy and thank god. but nothing special one. i have my burden also, when i tight it up (horse tail) i feel so pain and heavy. when you wash hair, you need double the amount of the shampoo/conditioner (wasting money). when you go saloon, they will charge you more. you think thick hair is good?

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