"teacher cindy" days

(zzz..sleepy)...these couple of days i woke up at 7am. working as a part-time teacher in a You&Me Right Brain Enrichment Centre. it is something like a child care centre located at puchong. 

first day i was a little bit blur, dont know how to get along with those kids. altogether there are 12 kids. actually i dont really like kid. but i can take care of them. i can communicate with them as well. the very first class i went in, the main teacher introduce me to them..."children, say good morning to teacher cindy..." then every kids shout 'good morning teacher cindy' and run to me with a big huggies. wow, thats nice! first day see me already so friendly with me. (not bad) ...then slowly i get to know them (just within few mins). they seem not afraid of new faces. i talk to them, bring them to toilet, teach them..like how i talk and teach my niece. (not a hard task for me ^^). i realize taking care a kid is not a hard thing, just need lots of energy and be patience. talk nicely and explain to them why 'yes' why 'no'. now a days, kids are smart. smarter than young adult.

second day i have a new task today. what?? cleaning their poo-poo! yes! this is my first tried. i remember my niece did ask me to clean hers, but i told her 'no way'. and today...i have to tell myself there is 'no way' to say i dont want to clean poo-poo. okok....i know there are more to come. i still need to work for 6 more days. ish! this is so call "shit!"

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