11 prayer t i m e

she asked,"since when we started our 11pm prayer time?" actually i have no idea. since i jobless? sleep late at night? then i had this idea in mine...if am not wrong the last prayer we had together was years ago (when am staying in subang goodyear court?). anyway, this is a good opportunity for me to make a habit to pray every night.

Why pray together?
  • Because when we do we are strengthened and blessed together!
  • Because when God is central to our lives, we can bring peace to ourselves and to others.
  • Because God is LOVE and we need him to re-source our love when we get “used up”.
  • Because Jesus promised that when two agree together and pray to His Father, He will listen and answer them. (Matt 18 v 19-20)
  • Because praying in unity with our partner while hundreds of other couples are praying similarly; we can be one of the ways through which God will bring change to our society. 

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