the owner

hi all. this is me. it is my utmost pleasure to present to you my blog. this blog is just to share with you everything, anything that appealed in my daily life. places i've been to. things i've seen. food i've tasted (but i think not much on food, am not a food explorer). good ads i found. my own design/portfolio. my daily photo and etcetera.

for some who knew i've frozen my facebook account, i think almost 2 months? well this blog can be replacing my fb then.

alright cindychew where people call me. i love the way they call, especially when he/she is getting mad at me, they will call CINDYCHEW! wow...i just love it. and yes, this is me (as shown below). am from a small state call 9state (negeri sembilan). i brought up from a small family, dad and mom, granny, 2 siblings. 2 in laws and 1 nephew and 1 niece. 
my background as a graphic designer. graduated from limkokwing university since....2006? a BA degree holder. i am a student where have not much strong portfoolio can show. Thanks to my parents who sent me to limkokwing Uni. do you think student from 'lim' is very special? yes, there might have some people will give me an expression of "Wow" after knowing where am graduated. but some would just say...."erm.....ok." Yes. this is nothing special. just that the fees are quite high. people there are quite trendy. study environment are quite nice. lecturer there are quite kns. but 1 or 2 are good. erm...thats it. end the story of mr lim.

i hate preparing portfoolio. maybe i dont have a strong piece of work to showoff. but i am 99% confirmed, you hired me, you untung (haha) dont be too serious wei. i can create team work. easy to mix around. can handle stress ("sometime"). enjoy staying late in office. i believe sometimes idea just come when the moon is out. sometime do enjoy last minute job. impromptu task always can come out with bombastic art work. planning doesnt mean the result is good. come, just enjoy last minute task.

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