Father God, bring peace to traumatized residents in Japan. Bring safety and healing and miracles of grace in this terrible moment. Guard those in the Pacific in the path of any tsunami. God, you are good. We trust you. You are the creator of all things good, and we do not claim to understand, but we know how you suffer with those who have suffered and those who suffer now.

Father, minister to the cries of the hurting, the eyes of the despairing, the sorrow of the grieving. Touch with life and care the ruined lives, the shattered souls, and through the hands of friends and strangers rebuild the damaged, broken people. Bring to troubled hearts your peace, and surely salve the wounds, and calm the fears, and lead the survivors to the safety.

God, thank you for being our refuge and strength in times of trouble. Grant hope to victims waiting to be rescued. We pray for their safety and quick recovery. Console those persons who are separated and searching for loved ones. Reunite them as quickly as possible.

God, have mercy on those who are alone, bring caring helpers into their lives. We pray for the ill and injured persons, and for the health of all those affected. Grant the survivors courage and the knowledge that you are with them always. Guard the hearts and minds of the survivors. Give them peace that surpasses all understanding. God, bless the survivors and relief workers with patience as they wait for your perfect timing.

God, we pray those in need will quickly receive food, water, shelter, clothing and medical supplies. Guide relief workers and agencies as they assess the damage and assist victims during relief and recovery efforts. Raise up warriors to pray without ceasing for survivors and those involved in the recovery efforts.

God, thank you for being our hope. in the name of Jesus I pray, AMEN

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