beauty sleep

a good rest has always been called beauty sleep. no beauty cream, no facials, no amount of makeup can give you the glow, fresh and relaxed look that a sound hole beauty sleep provides.

skin makes new cells twice as fast during sleep time as during waking hours. further more, several studies have found that sleep deprived humans have lower level of a growth hormone the skin needs to repair environmental damage and produce new skin cells. when cell replacement falls behind, wrinkles and slackness results. hence the importance of beauty sleep.
the body diverts blood away from the skin to the 'essential' organs as a result of lack of sleep, giving your complexion that fatigued look and slack muscle tone. adequate sleep is one of the best beauty treatments available!

without the sleep you need, you'll look older and your skin will look drier. your skin renews itself as you sleep which is why too little sleep can make your skin look tired and dull. sleep renews and refreshes us and is vital for good health and beauty. the average need for an individual is eight hours; it varies from person to person. Identify your need by the way you feel when you wake up.

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