important tips for beauty sleep

the following tips can help you achieve sleep and the benefits it provides. these tips are intended for typical adults, but not necessarily for children or persons experiencing medical problems.
  • do not nap during the day
  • limit caffeine and alcohol
  • don't smoke
  • expose yourself to bright light/sunlight soon after awakening
  • exercise early in the day
  • check your iron level
  • make sure your bed is large enough and comfortable
  • keep your bedroom peaceful and comfortable
  • avoid nicotine (e.g. cigarettes, tobacco products). used close to bedtime, it can lead to poor sleep
  • make your bedroom primarily a place for sleeping
  • hide your clock
  • keep a regular schedule
  • finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime
  • incorporate bedtime rituals
  • eat only a light snack before bed
  • drink warm milk before bedtime
  • jot down all of your concerns and worries
  • avoid caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) close to bedtime. it can keep you awake
  • go to sleep when you are sleepy
  • aleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows
  • avoid "over-the-counter" sleep aids
  • do visualization
  • get out of bed if unable to sleep
  • don't do anything stimulating
  • avoid alcohol close to bedtime. it can lead to disrupted sleep later in the night
  • consider changing your bedtime

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