i wonder...

just got a reply from my client, he ask me 'where is the tag line for the ads?" gosh....yea....where is the tag line?? tag line so important yet i still can left it out! immediately i had a laugh from my heart ^^

i rushed for this ads 8 hours ago....which mean....3am. no need to ask..of cause i look like zombie now. have been rushing this freelance for 2 days. sleepless for 2 nights. low blood pressure is taking off half of my energy..my life..my mood......why??? why only when i have freelance on hand only fall sick?

i wish tonight if i ot again, there is a leng jai knocking at my door presenting me a rose and a cup or mcd sundae...w o w. remind me of my bad market now. is there any partime bf renting? urgently needed just for tonight. why? i think with a bf staying beside while am working i will have more ideas. haha

back to work. emails flying to me...

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