my 1st sunday of the month

yuhooo, am just back from home town. feeling bad because tomorrow got to start a new week again. work work work. but i hardly treat my monday a "blueish day" because i want to be different from others. most of my friends will say "monday blue", for me...monday would be "colorful day". jesus says we must give thanks to everything..everyday.. in everywhere. actually for me working day would be a sleepie days. unless, am pack with tons of work.

saturday- i had a great weekend. on saturday night after family dinner, i had a drink with my gang of jimui. we discussed where to go on coming saturday-sunday in conjunction of celebrating my birthday. yu hooo... i dont really celebrate birthday. not even with bf. dont ask me why. but i love presents (s). i like present that is useful. do not buy me things that can see can touch but cannot use. this would be my first birthday trip, hopefully everything is successfully-well planned.

sunday- i had my first mission which is shower for my niece. ever since she was born i never shower for her. there was a sunday after her poo poo, she requested me to shower for her but i said a big 'no' to her. but today i found it was so fun. after showered she said she want to brush her teeth. she is clever, she doesnt really know how to brush but she knows how to gargle with water. 

alright. end of my sunday. just did my masque and should get on bed now. beauty sleep time. 

e n d.

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