hello 20 1 2!

it's been a long long break for me and now is time to update my blog. oh yeah....welcome 2012!

it's my working hour now and am kind of free, thats why thinking of update my blog. thank God for blessing me a job. am now a 'senior graphic designer'. never thought of being a 'senior' and am super thankful and happy. it's a good start after a long break. i told myself, am going to challenge myself as in my art director going to train me to lead a group in my current company. hope after 3 monts my salary will me different from what i get now. ^^ previously, i plan not to work as designer anymore. maybe be a freelancer will do. thats why, am kinda surprice when my hr called and said, i will be a senior designer here. naik pangkat! my parent is happy to hear that. my mother keep asking me to pray more. pray for God guidance and blessing. so that i will naik pangkat again. haha. it's not easy actually. but i believe i will try my best.

i met a new colleague here. she came in to work on the same day with me. her name is eunice gan. i super like her. even thouth both us not a long time friend, but i find comfortable hanging with her. she sometimes have the same thoughts with me! our signal is at the same channel :P. somtime, it's hard to find a colleague that not gossip or "aunty" type. she is an aunty anyway, with 2 kids at home. but she is definitely not those 'aunty' i mentioned. she is happy go lucky. talkative, mature and...caring. i just love her.

happy working!


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