even t h o u g h

To my Boy,

Even thou

Even thou we are from different family background, but God have placed you into my live and you are part of my life now. 
Even thou we are from different field, but we are working under the same roof.
Even thou we are in different age, but we have a good communication skill.
Even thou I do suspect you, but you will be honest with me when you knew am upset.
Even thou you are not perfect, but either i?
Even thou you will be upset me sometime, but you still will pamper me by using some transparent way.
Even thou you are careless, but I do not mind to remind you all the time.
Even thou you have unaccepted character/ attitude, but I will tolerate with it and accept the way you are.
Even thou we are in different religious, but I will pray for you so that we can believing the same GOD (Jesus)
Even thou am not as smart as other girl, but you still accept the stupidity of me.
Even thou I do not understand you sometimes, but I know everything you said will not harm me.
Even thou when I am mumbling at you, but I hope you will accept the way I am.
Even thou am not lovely but I will try to let the whole world know you have a lovely girlfriend.
Even thou I do not know how to cook, but at least I will make you herbal tea on an off.
Even thou you will teas me, but i will still smile at you.
Even thou you are selfish sometime, but you still remember you have me beside you.

I love you boy!

From your girl.

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