today_3 march,11

i was playing my psp this morning while on the way to work. my sis was driving and out of sudden she says "Sot (crazy)..". immediately i turn my sight out of the window and i saw a naked young man walking and shouting along the road (at the motorcyclist lane). i saw this man look normal, but who knows maybe he neurotically or testing his audacity? or he have been facing a severe stress until he lost his mind.

now a days, many young people committed suicide. where they get the valor to kill themselves? i heard a testimony from a church, there was a young man wanted to jump out from the window, actually he didnt mean to do that, he thought this can be a menace to stop his parent from quarreling. but it seems not working. out of sudden, he heard a voice speaking to him asking him to "jump! jump! after you jumped, your parent will not quarrel anymore." and he jumped. God saved him, he is still alive and seriously hurt his back bone, broke his legs. church brother and sister drop by visit him and ask...what happened to you? he told them, i didnt mean to jump, but there was a voice speaking to me and pushing me from the back and i fell off.

friends, try to be positive in many ways. do not always remember how bad people treated you, but remember how they caring you. God doesnt allow his children to hurt themselves. we have the salvation. salvation is the state of being saved from God's judgment upon the sinner. the bible views suicide as equal to murder, which is what it is—self-murder. God is the only one who is to decide when and how a person should die. suicide is still a serious sin against God. according to the bible, suicide is murder; it is always wrong.

relax and be positive, slowly you will find yourself happy ever after. when problems come, you will treat them like nothing, just a peanut.

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