mbt prt 2

nice kopi o 'gao'
'o jian' but not very nice
the only group photo
peiwen & ailee

our tea on sunday morning
treasurer of our trip. why so happy? haha. she was taking order for the pao.

tour guide is checking on our next destination.
kampung house

we bought......30?40?50 pao?
a simple bomba. we all abit excited when saw this. haha

linzi shop: actually we couldnt snap photo in here but tiff manage to snap one, before she been warned. here is the shop where you can buy fresh mushroom...etc

there are 3 same sandals. can you see? (in black)

natural shot!

both are born on the same day same month but different year. june 30 huray!

at dragon fruit farm

dragon fruit farm

haha kan we all look funny?

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