my birthday trip_prt1

i had a wonderful birthday trip to bagan lalang with my jimui on 9th april. yes, it was my birthday trip. we had seafood meal for both saturday and sunday, but i didnt really eat much due to i have an upset stomach. ish! recall back our last jimui trip was before ailee's wedding. and it was 2 years back. alright, think no one interested in reading my are the photo to share with you guys. enjoy!

just arrived.



this coconut taste weird.


ailee and i infront of the pao shop

we were so excited when saw the paper under pao. nice printed.
yummy pao

so excited when reach the kopi o house. once you buy 10 packs will get 5% off..(only). we bought so many but still entitle 5%. kns

at lin zi house.


our transportation, terrano

haha my hawaii flowerish shorts nice huh ^^

our last day and last seafood meal

strong wind and abit smelly

wow my hair so long and why i look like aunty just back from market? tiffany, thats all yours!!

self taking using my 50D (i like), 2 gepoh-ci at the back ^^

lover bridge

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