karaoke with her

i definitely not a karaoke kaki. but i enjoy singing with her (the one in the photo). but most of my friends super like sing k..why huh? i only sing in church. i can remember christian song easily. if you ask where i want to go for gathering...i sure will say "steamboat". there is nothing better than steamboat. hmm....yummie.

there are few thing i cannot tolerate in karaoke time....
1) people who cant sing
2) people who love to sing, because they will sing a lot. why should i listen to him/her to sing so many? if you sing too much, the next person have to que
3) people who smoke inside
4) people who sing oldies
5) people who force me to sing 

i know am bad. in order to avoid all these disliking/make people angry...i choose not to go la....


MH said...

hmm..the pink baby-T!!! ;-)

Su Fei said...

So many complains, make me dowan to ajak u cheong K.

cindychew'gold' said...

sufei: yea..pls do not ajak me. i am the one who cannot sing (with duck sound). later poison your ears. come to my house we sing 'ting hai' ^^

cindychew'gold' said...

MH: call me pink lady sound better...pink baby :P geli...

MH said...

pink baby-T la... din call u pink baby lar... hahah, i wont so yukma or geli "publicly" lor!!!