my last day in child-care

took some photo with my lovely students. gonna miss them (actually only some of them ^^) time flies...almost a month helping up in the centre. this would be my first experienced working in child-care centre.  i've learned a lot from the kids and the teacher. 

yesterday (my last day), when i reach the centre with a messy student ask, "teacher your hair look so aunty today..." continue he said can i call you aunty? gosh! now a day, do not underestimate a children. then can talk like an young adult.

all photo have been photoshop-ed, due to it's taken by the children. abit blur. anyway, enjoy!

wei shen. i heard she didnt wear shoes to school. guess his father always carry her to school.
lovely ern jia, but lazy. always ask me to finish her coloring and writing for her. after all, she is the most generous and always smile. always share her food with everyone.
both are very good children

teacher sandra

happie ^^
took by him, derel tang

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