finally i've got it

sometimes..when you like something and you couldnt get, sure it will be disappointment. last year, i saw a nike casual shoes which i love it so much. been wondering at nike shop to shop for so many months. once i've got the desire to buy it, there is no size for me! gosh!!!!! what the.....

but today, i've got the shoes!!!! with 50% off! waahahaha...excited! you must be wondering what so special with the shoes..^^ lets scroll down and you will see it. at first wanna buy white color but due to....oh i forgot to mention i got this shoes at warehouse. sure you will get the clue why i didnt choose white. the color that i've chose is gold. my sister in law said, gold looks like monk's shoes. haha. but yet i still choose gold. love it love it. i think after i bought it, i got to eat less for the rest of the weeks. oh dear~

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