saturday, nov 24, 2012

just had a gathering with my best friends. one of them is getting married . more buddy is stepping into another lever of life. congratz tiffany. i believe the day would be a fun and a joyous day. cant wait! 

besides that, i've not been updating my recent life to them. curiosity have knocked into them and wanna know who is the gentlemen who won my heart. ^^ haha.. they keep asking for picture, and i proudly shown them (blush). one of them said my boy look like one of the radio dj. nah, my boy is not as famous as the dj. but he is as humor as the dj.

anyway, am happy to be in love with this man! thank you jesus (amen)


nephew and mother birthday dinner

my saturday

naughty nephew likes to stick with me. he is super active, make me beat him many times. but yet he wont stop and behave, he laugh with you some more. what can i do? he truely a handsome boy, even my bf also said that. i wish my future kids will be like him ^^

bf not with me this weekend. he went for friend's wedding dinner..and i guess he is beering with his friends now. (miss him now) normally he will stay with me on my weekend. (love him so much).

good friend wedding


first trip to tony's hometown

fun time, great moment

let's go!

even t h o u g h

To my Boy,

Even thou

Even thou we are from different family background, but God have placed you into my live and you are part of my life now. 
Even thou we are from different field, but we are working under the same roof.
Even thou we are in different age, but we have a good communication skill.
Even thou I do suspect you, but you will be honest with me when you knew am upset.
Even thou you are not perfect, but either i?
Even thou you will be upset me sometime, but you still will pamper me by using some transparent way.
Even thou you are careless, but I do not mind to remind you all the time.
Even thou you have unaccepted character/ attitude, but I will tolerate with it and accept the way you are.
Even thou we are in different religious, but I will pray for you so that we can believing the same GOD (Jesus)
Even thou am not as smart as other girl, but you still accept the stupidity of me.
Even thou I do not understand you sometimes, but I know everything you said will not harm me.
Even thou when I am mumbling at you, but I hope you will accept the way I am.
Even thou am not lovely but I will try to let the whole world know you have a lovely girlfriend.
Even thou I do not know how to cook, but at least I will make you herbal tea on an off.
Even thou you will teas me, but i will still smile at you.
Even thou you are selfish sometime, but you still remember you have me beside you.

I love you boy!

From your girl.

our first t r i p

going up the mountain

dinner in casino. free flow drink, soup and salad.


casino-slot machine

tony and cindy

game + entertainment

ours ^^

slot machine
with my boy, we went for a short trip. this is my first time applying annual leave to go for a trip and it was great. tru this trip i got to know him better.

my b o y

people is curious and wondering why am i being single for so long? 3 years of being single is fun! but being "unavailable" is more fun.  previous years i was totally not into a mood of involving is any relationship. a bf that is sticky, childish, IQ is higher than EQ...bla bla bla....please leave me alone! i rather kill myself. 

do you ever have a gf or bf that will leave you more than 5 missed call per call? listen, is per call not per day. why? why need to be that much?? the reason given is, "oh i am worrying of you?" but i know some people is enjoying such "worrying" by the other half. this simply mean, he or she is caring about you. but definitely cant apply on me.
pin and kheng

designer br a i n

my lecturer used to say this "designer brain will not rest". it's true. am very exhausted now but brain still functioning. am thinking of how to design my company t-shirt, corporate gift and...bla bla bla. i want to sleep!

alright. sleep. work will never end. must go back to my beauty sleep.

good night to all my dears, buddear and you!

iphone leh?

again i want something but been waited for a year still not yet get one. how i wish some one will give me a surprise tomorrow when i open my eyes. hahaha. think too much. 

great d a y

had a quick dinner with him just now. i actually promised him not to stay late for work, but last minutes a terrible client keep want me to change his name card. name card "only", i've use my few hour to do it,'s not come to the end yet. tomorrow gonna continue. kns.
feel bad because normally with this friend, i will spend few hour for him, but today, only less than an hour. sorry dear...

this afternoon, my art director came back to pack his stuff, in fact he has resign last month. before he left, he told me "cindy, please take care and no worry, for sure you have been confirmed." hahaha, i was so excited. been worrying this "appraisal" thingy for few weeks. anyway, praise the Lord! now i have to pray for my increment.

how's my career?

many out there been asking me "how's my career?" hm, pretty good and pretty angry with some funny colleagues. it's time for me to thank god for giving me patience and smiley face. i started hate people using "cc" and "bcc" in their email. some people really dont understand what is the meaning of "cc".

last friday. a friday that freaking me out. a friday that thought me a lesson. i use email to ask a colleague some question about work. it was obviously a casual email. with broken word i've used. but, this funny colleague, she went to "cc" my emails to our head of department and manager. this emails were related to my job. i told her, i am just simply ask, do not make it very serious. she thoughts i am angry or feel unfair. she completely misunderstand me and a little bit stupid.'s very the stupid. i wonder why she "cc" our email to the bosses? once our bosses read the email, immediately they ask for a meeting. it involved the whole creative department meeting! terrible is it???? my bosses mentioned in the email said, "stop making all the email flying all over, lets meet up to clarify everything." Gosh , my bosses sure thought i am trying to push job or what. this girl...really piss me off. after the meeting, i just got to know, this girl is very scary, even our managing director and director's wife she also can scold. i dont know where she got the guts to do all these 'daring" stuff??

from that day onwards some colleague (mostly male) they ask me to be careful and alert with this colleague. i tell you what...i think i will have special treat on her. show dark face is for sure. treating this kind of people, we have to sure special treatment. else, they will kill you one day. ish....she really take my mood away!!!

finally i've got it

sometimes..when you like something and you couldnt get, sure it will be disappointment. last year, i saw a nike casual shoes which i love it so much. been wondering at nike shop to shop for so many months. once i've got the desire to buy it, there is no size for me! gosh!!!!! what the.....

but today, i've got the shoes!!!! with 50% off! waahahaha...excited! you must be wondering what so special with the shoes..^^ lets scroll down and you will see it. at first wanna buy white color but due to....oh i forgot to mention i got this shoes at warehouse. sure you will get the clue why i didnt choose white. the color that i've chose is gold. my sister in law said, gold looks like monk's shoes. haha. but yet i still choose gold. love it love it. i think after i bought it, i got to eat less for the rest of the weeks. oh dear~

her new t o y

my niece new toy. i ask her to drive out on the road, she reply me "cannot, very dangerous. this is motor not car, later people bang me" it's fun to talk with kids. i've tried on this toy, it's really fun.

my working cha i r

recently i have requested a better-higher chair from hr....been using a chair which cant be adjusted for almost 3 weeks. it hurts my shoulder. finally, the day, my audit & security manager told me (with a big smile on his face), he said "cindy, am going to give you a super nice chair." it's brand new, nice design, can be adjusted till very high. i think....none of them is using this chair and am so happy. it's very comfortable.

see.....nice? it's like designer chair! woo-hoo!

pillo p e t

a famous pillopet where you can find it every where. the very first day i touched it...i dont feel like putting it down,'s super soft. anyone interested, please order from me. but i only have the size of 11''(small one). do login to for your choices. drop me an email if you are interested. will give you a "special" deal.

christmas d a y (year 2011)

pastors+my parent

my family

fan karmun+family

father+jeston fan

the boys

the girls

julian & kenneth


lmh, my dear buddy

justina mun


kenneth tee